Digital marketing agency often complaints about the low volume of incoming traffic from various social media platforms in relation to the efforts and time spent on those platforms, but a silver lining has finally been added to the social media picture. Just as backlinks act as the power booster for your site, raising your rankings and domain authority, so too does the popularity of content you share on different social media platforms.
In 2014, Google loosened its grip on the rules and took the step to allow non- Google, social media platforms to be considered in its search engine result pages (SERPs). Social media platforms made their entry into Google's Knowledge Graph.
With the amendment in Google authorship as well as from search result snippets, digital marketing agency can expect social signals from popular platforms to gain in importance in the coming years.
In recent years, many have been the witness of mobile revolutions and the growth of the mobile web. Mobile Internet user activity, now stands at over 30% of all the traffic and thus these numbers are giving tough competition to the desktop traffic. After all the surveys that comes out about the mobile users, Google took the bold step of giving sites more importance in ranking if they are mobile-friendlier than others. So, for starters and the current website owners hurry and switch to responsive design, if you haven't already.
3) Don't abuse Guest Blogging
As the content gains importance, for growing authority and earning links, there was a mad rush till 2013 towards guest-blogging simply for the sake of earning more and more links, no matter how unimportant or irrelevant the referring site. Millions of low- quality blogs and website exploded, soliciting guest blogs and offering backlinks in return. But not too far it successes, Google noticed it and in early 2014, they specifically highlighted guest-blogging as a strongly undesirable method of SEO brownies.
4) Migrate to HTTPS
HTTPS is secure technology for transferring data between the web servers and your site with an additional layer of encryption called SSL to increase more confidentiality of data. With the recent hacking of data on a large- scale, including the recent Sony hack, security has been a top priority for all digital marketing agency. In August 2014, Google announced it would be using HTTPs as a definite ranking signal, as to increase safer browsing experience for all users. It is worth to invest in an SSL certificate for your site to keep it safe from the ever worsening web security situation.
5) Focus on Contextual search
In 2013, with the launch of Hummingbird Algorithm semantic search shot into focus. SEOs of all kinds rushed to optimize their content to not just keywords but also their product- and brand-related phrases, different content formats, synonyms and so on.
The semantic processing capabilities of Google Crawlers got more polished in 2014.
A smart SEO strategy includes keyword research from the perspective of the user search intent. So, now, you must think like a user and come up with proper and possible permutations and combinations for queries related to your brand or product.